I think this is the most powerful and emotional photo because his face shows a lot of emotion and the sign in the background adds to it. Overall you can see he very scarred and uncomfortable bu he still power throughs.
B. How do the images work together to tell a story?
The images work together to show his story of getting enrolled and then going to boot camp and then going to the war. You can see his body transform and his emotions. You also see his relationships change throughout his draft.
C. How do the captions enhance the photographs?
The captions add more to the photos because it gives you an insight to what just happened and whats about to happen that help you understand the pictures more.
D. Summarize the story of Ian Fisher, based just on the captions.
Fisher goes off to war and is scared to see what happens and leave is family behind. But he starts getting stronger and developing friendships and relationships throughout the time. He finds love and its married and his draft was up.
E. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?
The verbs in the captions are usually written in present tense.
F. Break down the captions:
1. How many sentences are they on average? 4-5
2. Read the first sentence of a couple of them, what information do they provide? They provide more insight to what they're doing in the photo .
3. Read the second sentences of a couple of them, what information do they provide? What he's feeling
4. If there is a third sentence, what information does it provide? What happened after the photo.
5. Do any captions include a quote? Yes
6. Are there any that have four sentences? Ys
G. Why do you think it is possible to tell a complete story with just photos and captions?
Yes, I think so, picture books are a thing.
H. If you can create a story with just photos and captions, why bother writing a story at all?
You still need to write a story because you can go in more depth and give more quotes and hit topics the you can't aways photograph.